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To create your own Pokémon, start by picking an animal or object to base your design on. Then, give your Pokémon a name, element, and 1-2 unique quirks or characteristics to differentiate it from a normal animal or item. Next, flesh your concept out by giving your Pokémon some moves and base stats. To bring your Pokémon to life, create an illustration or use an online program to produce a fake Pokémon card for your creature. If you want to take it all the way, create 1-2 evolutions for your creature using the same methods. There's no wrong way to design or make a Pokémon, so get creative and have a lot of fun with it!

  1. 1

    Write down your Pokémon's features before drawing anything. When it comes to designing characters, it's usually easier to come up with a list of features before drawing anything. Grab a pen or pencil and a sheet of paper. Brainstorm and jot down your ideas for your Pokémon. This way, when it comes time to draw or create it, you'll have a much easier time figuring out what to add.[1]

    • If you want, you can design your Pokémon by working backwards. If you want to start by drawing, sketch your Pokémon and come up with a name, moves, and an element later.
  2. 2

    Pick a creature or object as the base of your design. Most Pokémon are based on an animal or object that already exists in the real world. To start your design, pick an animal that you find fascinating or an object that you think would make a good foundation for your creation. Stick with simple choices for your first design to keep things simple. This could be a rat, seal, or chicken if you're picking an animal. If you're selecting an object, an ice cube, tree, or carpet could all work as good bases.[2]

    • For example, you could start with a fox as the foundation for a Pokémon based on an animal. A thumbtack might make for an interesting object for a Pokémon.
    • Animal designs from the game are all over the place. Sandshrew is based on an armadillo, Rattata is based on a rat, and Ekans is clearly a snake. Examples based on objects include Geodude, who is a rock, and Magnemite, who is a screw with 2 magnets on it.
    • The vast majority of Pokémon are based on animals. There are far fewer Pokémon that are based on objects, and it'll probably be easier for you to start with an animal.


  3. 3

    Select an element to determine your Pokémon's color. Every Pokémon needs an element to determine its type. The element determines a Pokémon's moves, strengths, weaknesses, and usually its color. Pokémon can only have 1-2 types, and these types do not have to be related to the object or animal that the Pokémon is based on—although it's perfectly fine if they are related. For example, a Pokémon based on a chicken can be a fire type, even though chickens have nothing to do with fire.[3]

    • For example, if you make a fox Pokémon a poison type, its fur could be purple and its eyes could be yellow. You could make a thumbtack Pokémon a flying and steel type and give it wings and a sleek silver color.
    • Using the corresponding colors lets people automatically know something about your Pokémon just by looking at it. If a hedgehog Pokémon is bright yellow, the viewer can automatically assume that it's an electric type.

    Element Colors:

    Fire – Orange, red, and yellow

    Water – Blue

    Grass – Green, brown

    Electric – Yellow (typically bright yellow)

    Psychic – The symbol is magenta, but psychic Pokémon tend to be a variety of colors

    Steel – Silver, gold, and grey

    Normal – Can be any color (typically brown, grey, pink, or white)

    Fairy – Pink and purple

    Dark – Black

    Flying – The symbol is purple, but flying Pokémon can be any color

    Ghost – Purple, black, and magenta

    Poison – Purple, dark yellow, and dark red

    Ice – White, silver, and pale blue

    Ground – Earth tones, like brown, yellow, and grey

    Rock – Black, grey

    Dragon – The symbol is royal blue, but any color scheme works (they're usually a 2-4 colors)

    Fighting – The symbol is orange, but fighting Pokémon can be any color

    Bug – Green, yellow, and brown

  4. 4

    Come up with a cute or angry face for your creature. Almost every Pokémon has either a cute face with round eyes, or a sharp face with slanted eyes and stress lines on the forehead. Your Pokémon can be smiling, smirking, frowning, or have no mouth at all! Choose a face style to give your Pokémon the personality and attitude that you want it to have.[4]

    • For example, if you wanted to make a fox Pokémon look intimidating and scary, you'd give it sharp eyes angled down towards its snout. If you wanted to make the thumbtack look whimsical or silly, you could draw 2 round eyes with small pupils and give it a goofy smile.
    • Look at other Pokémon to see how the faces vary. Pikachu has wide set eyes and a simple, round smile. This makes it look funny and cute. Tangela only has two simple eyes with pupils in the center, making it look simple and mysterious.
  5. 5

    Add 1-2 features to your Pokémon to make it unique. To differentiate your Pokémon from a regular animal or object, give it 1-2 features that your animal or object wouldn't normally have. These features could be wings, a halo, an extra set of arms, or some sort of pattern or symbol. For example, Pikachu is a rat, but it has a jagged, angular tail and 2 red dots on its cheek. Squirtle is a turtle, but it has a fluffy tail that turtles don't normally have. Choose interesting characteristics, or stick with features that fit your vision for the Pokémon.[5]

    • You could also have your Pokémon hold something. Cubone carries a little bone, while Farfetch'd walks around with a leek.
    • For example, you could give the poison fox a red streak on the side of its fur and give it a second set of ears. Your thumbtack Pokémon could have a strange symbol in its forehead and have a set of tiny arms.
    • The features often express the type of Pokémon that it is. Electric Pokémon often have lightning bolts or electricity coming off of them, while poison Pokémon are often surrounded by clouds or look slimy.
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  1. 1

    Name your Pokémon based on the element and animal that it's based on. There are no requirements when it comes to naming a Pokémon, but most Pokémon names are modified versions of what they're based on. For example, Rattata is a rat, Zubat is a bat, and Delphox is a fox. Play around with the spelling of your animal or object to come up with something cute or scary that communicates your Pokémon's vibe.[6]

    • Look at real Pokémon as inspiration to see other interesting ways of naming your Pokémon. Ekans is simply the word "snake," backwards. Meowth is a play on the sound that a cat makes.
    • Many Pokémon names are a combination of the animal or object's name and some other attribute or characteristic. For example, Venomoth is a combination of "venom" and "moth." Lickitung is a combination of "lick" and "tongue."
    • Some Pokémon are simply named after their attitude or central emotion. Farfetched is something that is ridiculous or outlandish. Farfetch'd, the Pokémon whose name is based on the word farfetched, walks around with a leek and hits people with it. Gastly is the name of a ghoulish, ghost Pokémon.
    • For example, a poison type fox Pokémon could be named "Chemifox" or "Furmynx," while the flying thumbtack Pokémon might be named "Shanx" or "Pointer."
  2. 2

    Give your Pokémon some moves based on its type. Every Pokémon knows at least 1 move, and every Pokémon can know up to 4 moves. Moves also have elements the same way that Pokémon do, and Pokémon get a 50% stat bonus for using a move that matches its type. Select 1-4 moves for your Pokémon to learn and jot them down.[7]

    • For your poison fox Pokémon, you might give it poison powder, poison sting, acid, and smog. Your thumbtack Pokémon that is a flying type may have mirror move, peck, drill, and sky attack.
    • For example, Psychic Fangs is a psychic attack. That means that a Kadabra will get a bonus for using the move since Kadabra is a psychic Pokémon, but Pikachu wouldn't because it's an electric type.
    • There are over 700 moves in Pokémon. You can find a complete list of the moves at
  3. 3

    Select base stats for your Pokémon to finish rounding it out. Base stats refer to the numbers that your Pokémon uses to determine its health, damage, skill, and speed. While you can technically select any number between 1-255 for your Pokémon, try to keep them reasonable for your custom creation. It won't be fun to compare your Pokémon to others or play with your custom card if your Pokémon is overpowered.[8]

    • Your Pokémon's base stats increase as it gains levels and evolves. Create a percentage or flat number to add to your base stats when it levels up or evolves.

    Base Stats:

    Hit Points (HP) – How much damage your Pokémon can take before fainting.

    Attack – How much damage your Pokémon deals with physical moves.

    Defense – How strong your Pokémon is at reducing attack damage.

    Special Attack – How much damage your Pokémon does when it uses a special move.

    Special defense – How well your Pokémon defends itself from special moves.

    Speed – How likely your Pokémon is to attack first.

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  1. 1

    Create drawings for your Pokémon to give them an appearance. Use your initial design to guide your illustration. Since there are no rules for drawing Pokémon, feel free to use whatever medium you prefer. As a general rule, Pokémon are designed to be simple and easily recognizable. Use solid color schemes and a solid black outline to give your creature some definition.[9]

    • You can create a single drawing, or draw dozens of different drafts or angles. It's totally up to you!
    • A simple way to start is to type "cartoon" and your animal or object into an online image search. Use a simple cartoon design as a template for your Pokémon and add on from there.
    • As long as you're happy with the way your Pokémon looks, you're good! There is no right or wrong way to do it.
    • For your fox Pokémon, you might give it the pointy fox ears and a sharp snout. Add some simple paws and then add on the additional features, like the extra ears and the pattern on the fur. For your thumbtack Pokémon, draw a simple oval with a needle coming out of it. Add a face wherever you want and then draw some wings coming out of the back.
  2. 2

  3. 3

    Use your custom card in a deck to play with it. Once you've created a custom card and glued it to a standard card, incorporate it in your favorite deck to play with it. Simply shuffle it in alongside your standard deck to enjoy casual games with your Pokémon. You can even create an entire deck out of custom Pokémon cards. Keep in mind, you can only use your fake Pokémon card in casual games.[11]

    • You cannot use a custom card at a games shop or in a tournament.
    • If you aren't playing with a friend, let your opponent know ahead of time that you have a custom card in your deck.
  4. 4

    Create evolutions if you want to fully flesh your Pokémon out. When a Pokémon reaches a certain level, it evolves and becomes a stronger version of itself. Evolved versions are typically larger and slightly different than their original form. Make 2-3 evolutions for your Pokémon by repeating this entire process 2-3 times if you're really trying to make an authentic Pokémon![12]

    • For example, Pikachu is the base Pokémon, but when it evolves, it turns into Raichu. It goes from being yellow to orange, and its thick tail turns into a thinner, pointier version.
    • Evolved versions are always stronger than the original form of a Pokémon.

    Tip: Changing your Pokémon's characteristics for an evolution can be as simple as changing its color. You could also choose to give your Pokémon additional limbs, a new facial feature, or extra patterns on its body.

  5. 5

    Finished. You have successfully created your very own pokemon, congratulations! Now have fun and test them out.

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  • Question

    How do I create my Pokémon's evolution?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    Typically, the evolved form of a Pokémon has an exaggerated or modified feature from it's base state. For example, Charmander has a round head with a little flame on his tail, while Charmeleon has an exaggerated head with a bigger flame on its tail. Take whatever feature you already have and make it bigger or more exaggerated for an easy evolution.

  • Question

    Is there an actual website specifically you need to do this on or can you do it in PowerPoint or Word Documents?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    There are several custom card generators that you can find online by searching "Pokémon" and "card generator." You can use Word to describe your Pokémon, and Paint or Photoshop to sketch your Pokémon on a digital program. PowerPoint isn't the best program for creating Pokémon unless you want to present your design ideas. In general, there are no hard rules. You can use whatever program you're comfortable with.

  • Question

    What happens when Nintendo says your Pokemon will be included in the next game?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    Nintendo doesn't accept fan submissions. They design all of their Pokémon on their own. If you were contacted to submit information about your Pokémon somewhere, be wary. It could be a scam or a prank.

  • Question

    What could I use as origins for a legendary duo?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    It's totally up to you! Most Pokémon origin stories have to do with their discovery. Maybe your Pokémon were found cuddled together in a storm and turned out to be the last of their kind. You could say that the two Pokémon are an embodiment of good and evil. Simply think about what would interest you in a Pokémon's backstory to identify what you should focus on.

  • Question

    How do I make a pokemon based off a black hole? I'm thinking Dark/Ghost, Mythical Pokemon, Name: Voidead. (Void + Dead)

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    It sounds like you've already got a lot of the details sketched out! Keep in mind that black holes pull things into them. Maybe Voidead's moves include gravity!

  • Question

    What is a good or cool type to be as a cat?

    Community Answer

    Fire is good, but it's been used a lot for cats (Litten, Pyroar, etc.). An ice type saber toothed tiger would be epic.

  • Question

    How do I name my Pokemon?

    Keighly W

    Keighly W

    Community Answer

    You could use scientific names for the base animal, or words that relate to the type or appearance of the Pokemon, and then combine them into a name. For example, if you were making a Pokemon based on a snail, you could think of some species names of the animal, or use some words that are associated with snails, such as 'slime,' 'shell' or 'slow, then incorporate the words into a name.

  • Question

    How can I find some ideas that aren't already taken?

    Community Answer

    It shouldn't matter if someone already took your idea, just change the color, powers, or even the animal. Many different Pokemon are similar to each other, but unique in their own way.

  • Question

    How do I turn it into a figure?

    Bun bun

    Ask online figure moulders to create one for you, or learn to do it yourself. This may be pricy, so beware.

  • Question

    How do I make an Omega Evolution?

    Community Answer

    Use your imagination. You can add wings, make it really big...the sky's the limit.

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  • You can get inspiration for your Pokémon by using mythology from around the world.

  • If you're making an evolution for your Pokémon, make it a little bit the same, but slightly different. For example, a thumbtack Pokémon can turn into a thumbtack with a longer tip.

  • Make sure that the first evolution is cute, but the last one looks scary/serious.

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